Advanced Piano Coaching Online

Terms of sale (fees)

PART II Terms and conditions of sale online (TCS) - Fees


Version of 2024.01.01

IMPORTANT! The offer of the website “ - Online piano coaching” has been conceived in compliance with French legislation (cf. TCU - Articles 9-11 ).

TCS - Preamble.

  • These Conditions of sale online are concluded between:
  • on the one hand Aleksander Woronicki known hereafter as “Professor”
  • and on the other hand, any person, wishing to take piano lessons, advanced level, given by the “ - Online piano coaching” website known hereafter as “Student”.

TCS - Article 1. Object.

    1.1. The present Terms and conditions of sale online aim to define the modalities to take piano lessons through the website “ - Online piano coaching” and the contractual relationship between the Professor and the Student.

    1.2. The Student who wishes to take lessons on the website claims to be older than 18 years and has full legal capacity or will have permission from a person holding parental authority, tutor or else guardian.

    1.3. Any order of a lesson or a subscription to the website “ - Online piano coaching” requires consultation and express acceptance by Student of these Terms and conditions of sale online without however this acceptance being conditioned by a handwritten signature from the Professor.

    1.4. These Conditions apply to all orders on the website “ - Online piano coaching” and are accessible at any time on the website and will prevail, if necessary, upon any other version or any contradictory document.

    1.5. Unless proven otherwise, the data recorded by the website “ - Online piano coaching” constitutes proof of all transactions.

    1.6. In accordance with legal provisions, the User is reminded that to validate the order it is necessary to click on the button “Pay Now.“ This validation constitutes an electronic signature that has, between the Student and Professor, the same value as a handwritten signature and is worthy proof of the entire order and payment due following said order.

In all cases, the provision of an online credit card number and the final validation of the order shall be evidence of the totality of said order in compliance with the law of 13 March 2000 and will be worth payment of amounts committed by the request for a lesson or a subscription.

    1.7. These present Terms and conditions of sale online, rates, products, or services presented on the website “ - Online piano coaching” are subject to change without notice. In this case, the conditions applicable will be those valid on the date of the order.

TCS - Article 2. Fees and how the lessons take place.

    2.1. The “” website offers a certain amount of advice, free of charge, available on its public area, as well as more advanced and more detailed advice and exercises available only to Students of the Professor on the private area.

    2.2. Lessons break down as follows:

1) Advice on the text by email; these may be answers to specific questions of the Student or the Professor’s instructions resulting from the analysis of the Student’s recording (see an example).
2) Scores - preparing personalized exercises and fingerings, examples, means of execution (see examples on the same page).
3) Videos where the Professor plays his exercises or the excerpts from the Student's piece (cf. examples on YouTube).

  • So the entire lesson includes
  • an analysis of the submitted video,
  • teaching instructions (errors correction, exercises) and
  • answers to questions.
    2.3. Fees for lessons and subscriptions.

Each Student having paid at least € 65 for lessons will have unlimited access to the private area of the internet website “” - to each article already existing as well as those added in the future (access by username and password).

The table below presents the lesson prices of the website “ - Online piano coaching”:

Kind of lessonProfessor’s working time
on one lesson 1, 2
Number of lessonsCost
Short lesson 3 30 min. 1 € 35
Complete lesson 4 60 min. 1 € 60
Monthly subscription 4, 5 60 min. 4 € 220
Trimester subscription 4, 6 60 min. 10 € 500
Access to the private area (see above - point 2.3) - - - € 65

As the time for correcting the Students’ recordings is very variable, the length of each lesson is determined by the Professor’s working time, not the length of the recording, or the number or kind of the questions in the Student’s e-mail. In practice, this time may be slightly extended, but no more than 25% of the time specified in the table.

  • In general, for one full lesson, the Professor treats 10-15 points of correction, which include:
  • listening to and analyzing video fragments containing errors several times,
  • checking the musical text,
  • possibly elaborating fingerings and exercises,
  • writing answers.

For exceptional cases, suitably justified by an official financial document, a student can receive free lessons.
Solution for a single problem, advice about the text only. Recordings may be longer, the Student will choose which excerpt (or excerpts) he has submitted for Professor’s advice.
Written advice; if needed, scores (see section     2.2 above) and video examples.
The subscription* includes 4 lessons to be taken during a maximum of 40 days from the date of the order (cf. point 3.7 below).
The subscription* includes 10 lessons to be taken in up to 100 days from the date of the order (cf. point 3.7 below).
* Lessons not taken as part of a subscription are not refundable except for special circumstances out of the Student’s control (e.g. illness) where they can be moved to the next subscription. In this case, the Student will be asked to provide a health certificate or another document.

  • For information:
  • The ideal rhythm for the best results is usually one lesson every 4 to 7 days. It is important to maintain a regular interval between the lessons.
  • Possibility of live private lessons in the Paris region (advanced levels) - write to me.

TCS - Article 3. Registration, payment and conduct of lessons.

    3.1. Registration

To register on the website “ - Online piano coaching”, the Student must complete a registration form online. Professor reserves the right whether or not to accept any given registration.

    3.2. Payment

After his registration has been accepted, the Student will choose the type of lesson or subscription that suits him (see above Article 2.3) and will pay the amount due in accordance with the instructions provided on the Payments page.

    3.3. Lesson - the first step

The Student sends the Professor the main video recording of the selected piece or excerpt and a score with his own fingering. In response, within 24 to 48 hours, the Professor will send the Student his opinion and personalized advice.

    3.4. Lesson - second stage

The Student may ask the Professor any additional questions within 24 hours maximum of receiving the instructions. If needed, the Professor may ask the Student to record a second video.

    3.5. IMPORTANT! The answer to the questions, mentioned in point 3.4, in no way constitutes a second lesson. The Professor’s comments will only apply to the prior instructions. This offer expires in 24 hours after the Professor has sent the instructions for the lesson.

    3.6. To avoid any misunderstandings resulting from technical internet problems, the Student is required to confirm receipt of each e-mail sent by the Professor.

    3.7. Regularity of subscription lessons is very important for their efficiency. Therefore, the Professor will agree with the Student the date of each subsequent lesson. In case of difficulties, the Student may ask to change the agreed date beforehand. If the Student, without notification and without an objective reason, exceeds the agreed date by 48 hours, the fee for this lesson will be charged.

    3.8. Professor reserves the right to quote on his site comments and recordings audio/video from his Students without mentioning their names.

TCS - Article 4. Technical details.

    4.1. Essential declarations
  • The Student declares that, in order to benefit from the offers of “ - Online piano coaching” site, he has access to:
  • a computer or tablet;
  • an internet connection fast enough to be able to upload his videos;
  • a video recording device (mobile phone, webcam, camera, etc.).
    4.2. Video Quality Requirements
  • In the initial phase, i.e. correcting general errors, the quality of video and sound does not play a role too important - you can do with a mobile phone, webcam, camera, etc.
  • At higher education levels (e.g. preparation for exams or contests) a higher-quality recording device may become indispensible.
  • In general, a wide shot will be used, but the Professor can ask for a close-up at a specific angle.

    4.3. Video transfers will be carried out through specialized websites.

    4.4. No one can guarantee the correct operation of the internet as a whole.

    4.5. In the process of selling online, Professor cannot be held liable for damages resulting from the use of the internet, such as data loss, hacking, viruses, interrupted service, or other involuntary problems.

    4.6. Professor - as all teachers in all areas - shares with the Student his knowledge and his method through coaching adapted to his/her current needs and level. However, the final results depend on the proper and systematic work of the Student.

    4.7. Professor disclaims any liability for any injury, direct or indirect, resulting from incorrect application of recommendations given to the Student.

TCS - Article 5. No right of withdrawal.

The Student cannot demand a refund payment of a lesson already given in accordance with Article L 121-20-2,1° of the French Consumer Code, under which the right of withdrawal can not be exercised for contracts providing services once they have begun, with the Student’s consent, before the end of the seven full day deadline.

TCS - Article 6. Intellectual property.

All educational elements such as texts, comments, works, illustrations and images, as well as all text tips, exercises, fingering and videos sent directly to his Students are, and shall remain, the exclusive intellectual property of Professor under Articles L.335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.

These items are reserved under copyright, as well as intellectual property and this for the entire world. The Student agrees not to reproduce, make use of, repost, or use for any purpose whatsoever, even partially, the elements that have been assigned by the Professor, be they software, visual or sound, except where specifically agreed otherwise.

TCS - Article 7. Archiving.

The data recorded by the “ - Online piano coaching” service are all evidence of past transactions between the Professor and the Student in accordance with Article 1348 of the Civil Code. The records digitalized on a reliable and durable medium will be considered by the parties as proof of communications, orders, payments and transactions between the parties. The data recorded by Paypal France constitutes proof of financial transactions.