Advanced Piano Coaching Online


1. The objectives of this site
1.1. Some extracts of numerous remarkable works about piano techniques are a little too subjective. They often describe the movements of the pianist’s hand in an incomplete manner or, on the contrary, too scientifically, and thus little communicative.

He who knows needs no user manual.
For those who don’t know, detailed explanations are essential.

How to play the piano rapidly without harmfully tensing up your hand?

This question is repeatedly raised in many emails I receive from young pianists and will certainly be asked many more times.

Phone: open this video in a new window.

It is good to listen to Marc-André Hamelin, who, when asked: “So when you’re working on a piece of this difficulty how would you break down a passage like this?” responds in a way that everyone can understand: „S-L-O-W-L-Y” direct link to 7:52.
“It’s strange, but playing slower exposes all the errors in high relief.”
This sentence was sent to me recently (2023) by one of my students by video and in fact it alone suffices to illustrate the point of my article. In other words - he who plays slowly, progresses quickly.

How to easily obtain “the bridge”

Preliminary informations: Neuhaus’ bridge and crane

Elongated fingers, bridge and crane: pedagogical inexactitudes

A beautiful sound must be created with a soft, fluid movement, not with soft muscles!

Preliminary information: Neuhaus’ bridge and crane and How to easily obtain “the bridge”

Powerful fingers, gymnastics and risk of injury

A good and stable piano technique
requires, above all, very strong fingers and the ability to properly manage the weight of the Motor Apparatus. As part of this chapter we will see how to strengthen the fingers through gymnastics without the piano.

The fourth finger secret - tendon that makes playing more difficult

1. Try playing the trill above using the two different finger positions A and B: (the photo B is visible under the cursor or in animation):


Computer: move the cursor over the image.
Phone: open the animation.

The weight of the hand - can one play with a tense hand?

1. I unhesitatingly answer the question in the title: not only can one play with a tense hand, but it is even a must!

     1.1. But only if you tense it in an intelligent and efficient manner - first of all, not permanently, but selectively (i.e. contracting only certain muscles) and by impulses. In other words, while playing, the hand should be both a little contracted and a little relaxed.

     1.2. The hand and arm totally relaxed, inert can only be called a few kilos of muscles around a few bones and as such cannot accomplish any task, even the simplest. Consequently, it is impossible to play the piano in this manner. The rule, taught to students for over two hundred years, according to which one must play with a relaxed hand, is not precise enough. It may lead to confusion, and that is what unfortunately happens very frequently!

[...] a superior member weights an average of 3.6 kilos (with the shoulder).
Czesław Sielużycki - “The pianist’s hand” p. 120, PWM, Cracow, 1982

(How to play staccato on the piano?)

This page will be published shortly.

The whipping (throwing) movement

When you learn to use the “whipping movement” correctly,
you’ll be astonished how easy it is to play the piano!

wilki View full image

“Shaking the arm” - muscular vibration

This chapter will be re-edited and translated.

Here is its initial French version.


Practicing, stress and stage fright

This chapter will be re-edited and translated.

Here is its initial Polish version.


Muscular vibration in practice (Debussy - “Toccata”)

This chapter will be re-edited and translated.

Here is its initial French version.

Phone: open this video in a new window.