How to play Liszt easier and... more correctly?

Advanced Piano Coaching Online

Quotations from Chopin and Liszt

…Liszt is at this moment playing one of my Etudes […] I wish I could steal his manner of rendering my own pieces.
from letter to Ferdinand Hiller, June 20, 1830

(Liszt - Sonata in B minor)

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Liszt - Concerto n° 1


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Beginning - double octaves (direct link > 1:53)

Liszt - Mazeppa (n° 4 from 12 Transcendental Etudes)

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Four excerpts (direct links can be found in the YouTube description area).


(Liszt - Feux follets (n° 5 from 12 Transcendental Etudes))

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Liszt - Wild hunt (n° 8 from 12 Transcendental Etudes)

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At the beginning and further on, four more excerpts
(direct links can be found in the YouTube description area).


Liszt - Consolation n° 3

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Liszt - Romance in E minor


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Three excerpts - bars 33, 66-67 and 76-77
(direct links can be found in the YouTube description area).



I have already published over a hundred videos on YouTube (not counting private ones). In many of them, I used short fragments of compositions by various composers as technical examples. I often don’t give them descriptions and they don’t appear in titles either, so it’s impossible to find them on the net. Therefore, I am publishing a list of them on this page, because some of you may find them useful.
By the way, I add some links to my lesser known recordings here.