Advanced Piano Coaching Online

How to practice - general tips

     I dedicate these few pieces of advice not only to pianists, but also to all young performers, because the general principles of practicing are the same.

     My many years of teaching experience made me understand that many technical problems result from incorrect practicing which should be logical, coherent and just - PATIENT!

     Besides, never get discouraged by failures! Go on trying impassively, make further attempts, even if they have to be several hundred or several thousand (like Edison with his light bulb 🙂).

And here are my general tips:

1. Do not “fight” with the difficult spots! On the contrary, try to “tame”, them to make them easier.

2. Seek simplicity without forcing (point 4.4) anything.

3. The fast tempo must be worked upon at the very last end, once all technical and musical details have been mastered.. Because it is only at a slow or, at the most, a medium tempo that you can control everything.

  • At first, practice only the most difficult passages.
  • Once you have mastered them, combine them with what precedes and follows them.
  • In the end, you must be able to play the entire piece FLAWLESSLY at a medium tempo implementing all the indications exactly.
  • Only then can you begin to increase the tempo. Very gradually, so that you don’t lose any detail previously worked out at a slower tempo.

You will find more information on practicing here (point 5), in the video below and in a previously published article How to (and how not to) practice? How to cope with stage fright?. For the moment, this article is available in Polish only. It will be translated in the near future.

Phone: open this video in a new window.