Advanced Piano Coaching Online

Opinions about the site

UNITED KINGDOM 2024: Student since 2018, over 180 lessons by video / email

My pianist friends group had our annual get together with three teachers. They wanted to know who my teacher was and how had he been able to improve all aspects of my playing to such a great extent - particularly the tone! As I was more confident on the technical aspects I could concentrate on the music and much of the stage fright disappeared. So thank you again for your help on that. It is very much appreciated.

USA 2023: New student, after 4 lessons by video / email

I ended my local lessons. My interaction with your instruction has been far more productive and beneficial.

Other recent opinions can be found in the numerous comments on my YouTube videos:

Example 1    Example 2,    Example 3,    Example 4...

Below are some of the oldest, dating back to 2012 when I published the first version of this website.

SPAIN: Comment of a student by video / email

Watching myself [on the video] and then comparing with you is most useful. It helps me understand. I’ve been reading your lessons in your site and the more I read, the more I like them. I congratulate you for being accurate, clear and illustrative. It is an excellent pedagogical work. Your explanations are almost scientific. Really amazing! I’m enjoying very much learning this way. Thank you again.

BRAZIL: Comment of a student by video / email

I’m really happy! For the first time I’m feeling that I am making progress, thanks for your teaching. I tried to play the Chopin’s Etude and my God! That was really easier and sounded more relaxed too.

FRANCE: Comment of a “live”, traditional student

Aleksander Woronicki knows how to decompose every difficulty. He can observe and detect blocking points and systematically proposes a simple solution. In fact, Aleksander has always in reserve a multitude of small, simple exercises to smooth each problem. You must follow his advice, all the little “tricks” that he distils patiently allowing us to progress without realizing it.

POLAND: Debussy - Nocturne L.82 - e-mail from a student by video / email

The use of rotating movements in the wrist really worked miracles! Why has no one ever spoken of this before? My left hand is getting along better with this accompaniment! I have always had problems with this kind of arpeggio and now I can play them successfully.

FRANCE: E-mail from a student by video / email

You are correct, my left hand is not perfectly symmetrical with the right. I have tried to correct this problem a bit and even though it is not perfect, I can feel the proper movement, but more on three notes than on two. So I continue to practice.